Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A Very Grand Day Out!

My Big 7-0 today. Jings! How did that happen?

But what a super day I’ve had - perfect in every way, wall to wall sunshine, AND my very favourite dessert for lunch.

I woke at 6am, and was glad we upgraded to a ‘Loch view’ room - the sunrise was glorious and the loch was like a mill pond. We went out for a walk along the shoreline. I love pre-rippling lochs.

When we came back to the hotel I was allowed to open my cards and pressies. What fun! I was thoroughly spoiled.

After a continental breakfast, where we asked the young waiter to recommend where to eat out in Oban (he’s an Oban lad), and it was a very good recommendation, though we would have found the place anyway, right on the end of the pier. We popped in early to book (just as well, as they were pretty busy).

Oban was glorious in the sunshine. I worked there in hotels for three summers in my student life, so it was nice to be back on such a day. But I learned from a woman in the carpark that one huge waterfront hotel I worked in will not re-open at all. 

We attempted coffees in a sunny area with outdoor seating. I got a humungous weak milky slop. And that was with JR asking the woman to just fill the huge paper cup half way. I thought about just leaving them and walking off, but I took them both back in (JR had a huge dishwater black coffee) to complain, and the woman was furious and very aggressive, but gave us the money back. I was just wondering what Europeans, who are used to good coffee, think when receiving such ‘service’. 

However, the restaurant could not be faulted. It was perfect. We had a table looking out over the harbour  (the Calmac ferry came and went twice). The service was great - efficient and friendly (with face shields on) and the food was top-notch. We had scallops for entree, then superb fish and chips (with a fresh rocket salad) and on the dessert list, I could not resist - bread and butter pudding. With cream and ice cream!! And it was served beautifully. 

On up the coast, over the Connell Bridge, round by my favourite place - Glencoe. Amazingly enough, though the roads weren’t busy, the parking places in the glen were!

A stop at the Green Welly Shop, then home again. Quite a round trip. (117 miles) A brilliant day.

Main shot is Glencoe, the Three Sisters. Extra: The hotel, selfie this morning, Oban, lunch.

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