
By ayearinthelife

Walk the Dinosaur

My Dad always was a dinosaur when it came to technology. He persisted with VHS and tape cassettes long after DVDs and CDs became the norm. And as for anything digital well, my iPhone was the devils instrument as far as he was concerned. He did buy a digital camera but only because he couldn’t get film any more! And after he died I discovered about 100 photos on the SD Card, none of which my mum had ever seen - no computer in the house, so no way of viewing the images. I tried to show her how to view them on my laptop but she got so confused I ended up getting them printed at Boots so she could see them!
But it was in the field of communication that my father was firmly rooted in the last century. He never used a mobile and all letters were written on a manual typewriter with carbon copies. If anyone asked for his email address or suggested he viewed a website they were met with total incomprehension - he just could not understand the digital age.
A few months before he died, his old typewriter finally expired and despite my showing him repeatedly how easy it was to write letters on a PC, save a digital copy, then print or email them, he was having none of it and insisted on a new typewriter.
Despite appearances, the one in the picture is actually quite a sophisticated bit of kit - you can use it as a word processor and there are a myriad of functions. All of which meant my dad never used it. He asked me to show him how it worked but I didn’t have a clue, it was just so alien compared to the PC I was used to. So it was never used right up until he died, and then it sat there gathering dust for another two years until mum finally asked me to get rid of it (any letters she had wanted to send in that time, I had written on her behalf)
Surprisingly (to me) it does seem to have a value so on to eBay it goes. I did try to type something, just to check everything worked, but it was horrible - noisy, slow and if you made a mistake you had to rely on a correction ribbon to delete the character / word before over typing. And no chance of editing if you wanted to alter more than a word or so - you’d have to start all over again. Didn’t half make me appreciate Microsoft Word!!

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