Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun

Probably the hottest day of the year so far. Mid afternoon, and the car was registering an outside air temperature of 34.5C - the highest I’ve ever seen it in this country. The steering wheel was too hot to hold and that got me wondering what the temperature inside the car was. Took the thermometer out of the study - where it was registering a balmy(!!) 30 degrees - and left it on the dashboard for a while. It didn’t take long to get past 50 and had reached nigh on 70 after an hour - double the outside air temperature!
It is almost impossible to get anything done in this heat. I was up at 6 and managed to do the ironing in relative comfort, but by 8.30 it was too hot to do anything other than try and sit anywhere there was a hint of a breeze. Even lifting the TV remote to change channels would cause you to break out into a sweat! Having said that, I did go the gym later on - mainly, it has to be said, because it is fully air conditioned. Lifted a few weights to show willing, but mostly just lingered under the air con outlet!
Cooler weather is forecast to arrive in the next few days, so hopefully there will be some respite from the heat soon.

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