By lizzie_birkett

...and the flower very sweet...

The little (but growing fast!) lemon tree is in blossom and the perfume is gorgeous! I didn't expect it to get flowers at this time of year but I'm sure it knows what it's doing!
I pottered around in the garden for a bit this morning and sowed some seeds in the cleared beds - perpetual spinach, lettuce, radishes and spring onions. They should grow and give us some harvest for autumn and maybe even into the winter.
I found about 10 sozzled (dead) slugs in the slug pub. It wasn't a pretty sight. :-(

This afternoon I was sewing but oh the heat! The clamminess and I had the doors and windows open so had bluebottles constantly buzzing in and out.

We had thunder and lightning last night, it started in the distance at 11 pm and went on rumbling and flashing for hours until it cracked over Hellifield at 3am. I thought it would have cleared the air but it didn't.

I won something I was bidding for on Ebay. A bit more than I had planned on paying but worth it I think. I will go into more detail next week - ;-) wink, wink say no more!

Off to bed now - knackered!
Goodnight :-) X

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