Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

A quick one...

... But not the one I had intended (owing to heap big technical issues with my computer).

A few days ago I learned A Thing.
Here’s The Thing... (You might find you knew it already, but I certainly didn’t receive the memo).
When a fly comes into the house, and is buzzing annoyingly around you, and you say to it, ‘I’m going to open the door now and ask you to leave’, and you do, and it doesn’t, well, here’s The Thing...
It doesn’t see the Door!
But when you open the door and ask it nicely (obvs) to leave through the tiny tiny crack between the hinges and the door... off it goes through that weeny gap like a dream, with a cheery wave goodbye!

You’re welcome!

Happy Friday one and all!
(The wine forecast was red, mellow and spot on)!

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