The Twisted Rainbow

Before I went to bed last night I quite liked the light on the lamp post (and at the end of the road). It is now 3 days and the council workmen have failed to turn up to finish repairing the drain outside next door.
 I was woken before 4am with huge winds and rainfall - Storm Ellen had arrived.
She had gone by 7.30am when I got up.

SWMBO got up for breakfast .......... Yahoo. 
Mid morning we went out to get some go-go juice for the car and then went to check out the old railway tunnel at Colinton. The intension is to take the monsters there after school tomorrow.
It really is quite something ..... and it isn't finished yet.
I took quite a few pictures and will take some more and make up an audio visual show, but I thought I might give you a taster. SWMBO hadn't realised that the rainbow had a twist in it so that it stayed the 'right way up' . I'm not sure if this guy is trying to get away from or catch up with the train (quite pleased with that shot as it is 4 shots at 14mm (with all the distortion that causes) stitched together).


I forgot to mention that I tried taking a picture or two of some of my Bug Chalets for a competition ......... they didn't really work, but here they are - 1  and 2

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