Silver Y

Today's the day ……………………….. for an archive

I came upon this moth when I was weeding in the garden the other day - and it kindly stayed still long enough for me to take a picture.

It's a bit unusual to see a moth during the day so I went and looked it up in the 'moth book'.  It was easy to find - Autographa gamma - commonly known as a 'Silver Y'.  And then I remembered that I had photographed one before and it had been identified for me then by gladders - that font of all natural historical knowledge.

It was a blip more than ten years ago - you can see it here.  I know it's hard to believe, but I really can remember every blip I've ever done and where I was when I took the picture.  It just takes a while now to find it in the archives ……………………?! 

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