A very merry un-pancake day...

A very merry un-pancake day for me, for me!

We've been talking about pancakes all day at work and my mum even text me to remind me it was pancake day today. But I still forgot.

It was only after I'd finished my pasta that I remembered. What an idiot. I love pancakes, they're one of my favourite foods. So I have decided to ignore Shrove Tuesday. Shrove Tuesday exists to use up richer, fatty foods before Lent begins. I'm not religious, I don't believe in Lent. So I will celebrate pancake Wednesday this year and have them after running club tomorrow.

I'd planned on blipping my pancake making skills, like I did last year. But instead you get a very sleepy, contented Wesley! I love it when he's on the brink of sleep with his head still raised like this.

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