Doughnutty goodness

Today Krispy Kreme opened its first ever store in Scotland. It was too much of a good opportunity not to go!

Jill drove Claire, Nicky and I to Hermiston Gait at lunch time to join the queue. (Thank you Jill, you're a star) We had buy one get one free vouchers and were very excited (well I was!).

The queues were massive! As to be expected on opening day really. Some people camped out last night - as the first person in got a gold card which entitles them to free doughnuts for a year (we heard this winner did it to get doughnuts for homeless people) and the first 12 got goody bags.

I was looking forward to seeing the 'doughnut theatre' but alas we ran out of time (I had to get back to work for a meeting). It took us 1 hour 20 minutes, but we eventually got our doughnuts! Yay!

Is it wrong to admit that I didn't think they were that special? I might just go to Greggs next time! Perhaps I just didn't select well? I'm willing to try again when they're less busy - I have to see the doughnuts being made in the theatre don't I?

Exercise: 5.5 miles
February running mileage: 50 miles
2013 running mileage: 159 miles

ps. Running 24 hill laps in the pissing rain sure is fun. NOT.

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