Tongland Abbey

Today's the day ……………………….. for an update

Now then - is that a wall, or what?

It's time for an update on the Tongland Abbey Archaeological Dig which has been carrying on regardless (but with full safety precautions in place!) of Covid19 right through the summer.  This is David today, recording the progress made so far on uncovering the walls of what would have been the 'south range' of the Abbey - where the kitchens, outbuildings, latrines etc would have been.

And the great thing has been that we have found in this trench exactly what we hoped we would find.  It confirms the findings of other years and increases the overall knowledge of how the abbey might have been placed in the present landscape.

And if you're interested - just beyond where the red and white pole lying on the ground is - the wall goes off at right angles into the side of the trench.  It ends eventually with Sheila's stone and then turns another right angle.

That's how a plan of the abbey comes into being …………………….

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