
By ayearinthelife

Manic Monday

A very manic Monday today, incorporating shopping, gym, decorating and long distance travel.
Started off in Kendal with breakfast at M&S followed by shopping for a few essentials. Mrs C is pictured exiting claire’s in such a rush that she still has her mask on!
Back home just in time to get changed for the gym and a quick workout, followed by lunch.
Barely time for that to digest before I was up a ladder painting the bathroom ceiling (we’re going away for a couple days so plenty of time for it to dry). I had forgotten to buy masking tape to protect the tiles, but fortunately found a half used roll that only just made it round before running out. Thank goodness it’s only a small bathroom because that also meant it didn’t take long to paint. Quick wash and brush up and then it was time to load the car and head off to Chester.
Thankfully, the motorways were quite quiet so a smooth journey. Now sitting down for a well earned cup of tea whilst watching Pointless on catch up. We’d anticipated arriving much later so had bought something microwaveable for tea. In the event, it’s not going to be an issue but still nice to know that the only effort involved will be simply pressing a button!
Hoping for a more relaxing day tomorrow but, as I’ll have to check up on mother at some point, there may be some minor stress involved! If the weather stays dry, a long run later on, to unwind, may be in order...

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