Love on the rocks

We used to exchange mass-produced cards
with verses penned by strangers for money
Words meant for anyone by people who didn't know us;
meaningless, effortless, empty gestures

"Here's yours."
"Here's yours."

It says "I love you" so it must be true.
But who said it?
Them. Those cards.
Not me and not you.

With money we swapped chocolates and flowers and wine
Ate well and said "Cheers. Happy Valentine's"

The day to say and do, even if it's not true.

So let's do it when we feel it.
And let it be true.

I made a heart with you in mind
because I felt thrilled to be out with you,
glad to be with you

I'd do it any day
But today was special for us
My anytime Valentine.

Happy Valentine's to my unromantic, moody bugger of a husband.

It was absolutely bloody brilliant to get out and go to the beach with you today. It's been a tough old bastard of a winter and a real evil sod of a week. Today was the first ray of hope I've felt in a long time.
After all these years, I realise I want nothing from you other than your company and your love.

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