Trucks of Devastation

Gales were still blowing this morning, along with showers all day.  Winds eased throughout the day.  It's been cloudy and really dull.

Another day working in the museum.  A busy start to the day, but quieter in the afternoon.  Seeing a good few twitchers about, and folk up for the non Wool Week.  I managed a good walk with Sammy this evening, and plenty of folk out to chat with.  With a poor night, telly on, and feet up.

After work, I headed out to see what new destruction was being caused by the Viking Energy Windfarm construction.  It's been disaster after disaster, but our local council and SEPA don't seem to act on it.  With so much peat being dug up, they were meant to be storing it properly, but that's not happening.  Truck after truck, go along the roads hundreds of times a day, most certainly isn't green energy, greed energy would be the correct term.  Our small country roads aren't designed for such an industrial devastation, and this is only the beginning.  Taken above Sandwater Loch.  

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