Purlin ida Yerd

A fairly windy day, but mostly sunny. 

Up at 5am, the only time I used to see 5am on a Saturday morning, was when partying.  An early start in the airport, and a busy morning working on the check-in desk.  Popped by mam's on my way home.  Met friend Julie for walkies with the dogs, but mostly a lazy evening.  

Summer starting to feel like a memory, but still some chores needing done in the garden.  Mam was busy purlin (investigating) about the veg she still has growing.  Her onions are now delled (dug) up and dried, just tatties, leeks, neeps and these lovely looking beetroot to go.  Mam makes some right tasty beetroot chutney, so I'll have to be extra good over the next while, and hopefully earn a jar or two.  Taken in mam's yard, Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

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