Demolition of da Youthie

A windy day, dull and overcast, and showers most of the day.  It eased in the afternoon, and a dull but drier evening. 

Weekend off, and up early.  Spent most of the morning puttering about the house, finally getting out walkies with Sammy.  Chores this afternoon, and a trip to the supermarket.  Met friend Julie and Keba for a walk this evening.  Off to work in the pub later. 

Work started a few weeks ago, to demolish the old youth centre.  The building has been in disrepair, neglected and really has been an eyesore for years now.  I was never inside it, but many have fond memories of the building, and sad to see it go.  The asbestos cladding has been removed, also the roof starting to go now.  It's below my house, but another building covers it, so makes no odds to my view.  Taken along Main Street, Scalloway.  

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