Bomb Disposal

Gales have been blowing all day.  There was showers first thing, but cleared into a sunny day.  More rain and showers this evening. 

Up early, and headed down to mam's after breakfast.  Sis Julie and the lasses had been down for the night.  Onwards to work in the airport, a later start, and a late finish.  A steady day of passengers, a couple of delays due to the wind, but all flights in and out again.  A fine quiet evening by the fire now.

As I headed south to work, I saw a lot of blue flashing lights, and panicked there had been a bad crash.  As I approached, various police cars pulled out in front of me, I passed, and then more came behind me, all with blue lights.  At closer inspection, I spotted the "bomb disposal" sign on the van in front, then it clicked, this was them filming for the Shetland murder drama.  They all pulled off into a field, and I headed on to work.  Wonder if I'll feature in a car scene? The police bomb van is front of me, Gallow Hill, Boddam.  

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