Days Of Road Trips....

....Are paved with good intentions!!
Eventually after bacon & egg sandwiches we set off, first stop and main picture, Start Point in Devon. The lighthouse was shut, no toilets, no facilities but car parking was free.
The wind blew gale force but was neither cold or warm with the occasional shower and made for a pleasant walk and climb from the car park to the lighthouse gate, about a mile and a half each way.
Fantastic views.
Next stop, Bigbury-on-Sea to have a look at Burgh Island, this time toilets, free parking but nowhere for a coffee. We watched the Burgh Island ‘tractor taxi’ make its way over before heading on to Plymouth.
At last a coffee and snack on the road beneath the  Hoe looking out over the Sound. These views are all very familiar, 35 years in the Navy, mainly Devonport based, means I know the area pretty well.
Torpoint Ferry over to Cornwall and a relaxed drive back to Falmouth where we grabbed a Chinese chuck out for dinner.
Another good day.


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