
By LadyPride

Wheelie Bin Wednesday

A pretty mundane day (thought the wheelie bin Wednesday pic said it all). It was nice to spend some time on my own with Audrey though after a few days on the go. She was in such a lovely mood and has a new trick involving pulling herself up and holding onto the cot bars.

I've been in a bit of a low mood. (Look away now lads 'woman talk' coming up) Suffering really badly with PMS since I had Audrey. It makes me feel down and really tired and seems to hang around for a fortnight. It also makes me cranky and anti-social but spending time on my own seems to make it worse, not better. Started to recognise it last month for what it was so did some research and have bought some herbal remedies which I'm hoping will help. Is there anything worse than knowing why you feel down but not being able to do anything about it? Am a slave to my hormones. Tis very annoying!

One of the best remedies is exercise I'm told so with that in mind, I took the pram out (with Audrey facing forward - her new favourite position) for a long walk in the nature reserve this afternoon. It really helped and I felt much better afterwards as a result. Audrey sang the whole way round so she obviously enjoyed it too.

Hoping my husband will get home later with a bottle of wine so we can watch the Brits together. He is working really hard but this is his last night before his place opens to the public so it would be nice to see him before the official madness starts.

My sister Jo is up for a few days too which will break up the week hopefully. You can be as cranky and anti-social as you like with family, they don't count!

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