Happy Christmas!

Mum, Alan and I had a lovely morning exchanging Christmas presents, and then I started cooking the dinner, set the table, and it started snowing!

Rach, Scott and the girls arrived about 2pm and my best present was being able to spend the day with my family. I will treasure today as I don't know when we will all be together again.

They privately had Covid tests just to be on the safe side because of seeing mum, and all four of them got negative results yesterday so we were able relax and enjoy the day.  If any one of them had been positive, then they wouldn't have come and I think it was a lovely thing of them to do.  It also meant that I could hug them all.

My Blip had to be the family selfie - unfortunately, I must have had my phone set to 'portrait' as we're not all in focus, but I love this photo.

I hope you've all had a lovely day too, Happy Christmas!

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