Life In Wales

By KarenC

A Good Morning

Tier 4 Lockdown - Day 5

I woke up at 7.30am, looked outside and saw that there was a potential for a good sunrise, so I quickly got dressed and planned to head to the beach. The sky was pink but unfortunately, the car was icy so I had to go and find the de-icer, and by the time I got to the beach the pink was fading.

I also saw the full moon setting, but I didn’t stop to get a photo (big mistake!) as I wanted to catch the sunrise - It was beautiful as you can see.

Alan had just got up when I got home, I jumped in the shower and then did smoked salmon and scrambled eggs for breakfast, before heading back out to meet Jaqui. She’s had one of my calendars, so we met so I could hand it over, and then we had a stroll along the Undercliff and got a hot chocolate at Molly’s.

When I got home Alan and I took the boys out for a walk and the rest of the afternoon has been spent pretty chilled out. I also had a video chat with Ibby who was in London. He was on a flight from Dubai yesterday, returning tonight, and said both flights were completely full!

In Covid news there’s been some positive news today in that the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine has been approved and will be ready to roll out on Monday. Also, the majority of the country has now moved into Tier 4. I’m not sure how long this is for, but I’m surprised we haven’t gone into a national lockdown.

Stay safe out there!

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