The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

C’mon Let’s Go And Play

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Murphy was very excited as we had Bella today. They make a top team...

We were walking past the snowman who featured in yesterday’s blip and I briefly noticed that it had undergone reconstructive surgery. The crater that Murphy had left for a face had been carefully refilled and the missing carrot nose had been replaced with a parsnip*

I say “briefly” because “Operation Pinocchio” resumed with lightening speed. Murphy bit off half of the parsnip, leaving Bella to dig out the remaining part. Along with Olaf’s face.

They both looked very pleased with themselves as I walked off hoping for a freak heat wave to save a small child from being traumatised by this second mutilation.


*I can just imagine that chat - ”Honey, I think one of the 90 leftover parsnips would make a MUCH better nose for your snowman. Mainly because of the way you screwed up your face on Christmas Day and declared that ‘white carrots are DISGUSTING’”

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