That saw off the hangover

We started our FaceTime with S and M at 7pm sharing margaritas. Then it was smoked salmon blinis and champagne and before we knew it, it was 2021. Hurrah!

We felt slightly “jaded” this morning but met Katy and Colin at Wedder Leap for our 5.5 mile chilly slither up to Murder Cleuch. Mostly is was done in a soft persistent rain. We let the men get away from us on the first steep half mile. Most of the snow had gone in the heavy rain but the track was hard-packed ice with running water so we had to walk in the tussocks.

It was great to be out though we were slow due to the conditions. My phone told me my average steps were more for this year than last. Hoho. Of course as this is Day 1 and I don’t do 16000 steps every day.

I’m making spiced squash risotto for our meal.

Apparently Cragside is still open. What nonsense when we are supposed only to drive for essential purposes only.

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