Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Last of the season

‘Tis over now. Food and booze will only be consumed in moderation henceforth. 

Momentous day for Britain, a historic moment. I refer of course to the 70th Anniversary of The Archers, the world’s longest running radio show. Ambridge is a dangerous place; one of the actors read a poem about the perils of working in a show set amongst so much farming machinery (several cast members have made dramatic exits over the years  in accidents):

You can run from burning buildings
And escape with only bruises
But when an actor meets a tractor
The actor always loses ...

It was perilously cold today. We all withdrew into our winter shells. It could be a long and depressing winter if we’re not careful so I shall embrace the Danish concept of hygge (pronounced hewga) and turn fireside retreat into a positive art. 

Strider was given guidance not to return to Uni until the end of January today so although that is frustrating for him it does mean we will have the continued pleasure of his company and he will not be alone for his birthday on the 16th.

Watched the original Terminator movie today. Still tense and scary. But it does contain the line "I’ll be back" with all that connotes - resilience I like to think. And we need some of that along with the hygge ...

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