Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Spring water

The village has at least twelve hot springs which mostly belong to the Thermal spa although some are underground and not exploited.  Apparently, a contract signed in the 19th century prevents the Commune exploiting most of them for recreational or heating purposes. The wash house however does have permanent hot running water. I always feel they are underexploited and more of a feature should be made of them in the village if this were possible. I read recently that a drop of rain falling on the ground, percolating down and eventually returning as part of a hot spring takes 10,000 years!  This spring is one of the cold water ones in the park. A little further away is one which people fill their water bottles from as the water is pure.
It has been a cold day and I only ventured out for exercise after we had entertained friends for a long lunch. They would have come for dinner but the curfew prevents evening entertaining. I was pleased to see on the Covid Commune map that there are now no Covid cases in our village nor in most of the villages around and even the city of Perpignan has low incidence. I doubt if that situation will continue for long.

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