Sea Fog

Sea fog...coastal fog...fog. Call it what you may, but it certainly takes away from what you can see.

Lisa and I got a sandwich to go, and headed to the ocean. The plan was the beach the books...and open the skin pores to the 78F degree sun. The that you couldn't see the sea...because of the fog. The sun was out there somewhere...but couldn't and wouldn't shine through. We left...hoping to outrun the fog.

I got out at the fish docks...wanting to get some shots in the fog. Captain Chris was lounging in his boat. He had 6 big conch shells drying on his deck...along with a bunch of smaller ones. I asked him a few questions...trying to sound like an excited 4 year old. IT WORKED!! He gave me one of the big shells, and 3 of the little guys. A bleach and a scrub come next.

Without many camera oppurtunities, I went to the flea market/farm market to get more strawberries. $4.50 for a half flat. And...they are delicious.

A little color, and a couple of birds are on my FLICKR PAGE. We're off to se a concert. The Browns. Maybe I'll put up a link tomorrow.

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