I know what that one is!

I went for a walk around Risley Moss and took some bird photos as well.

A lovely old fella came into the Woodland Hide whilst I was taking photos and said to me "Do you know what they all are?"

My response was "Yes, they are birds"

Fortunately he laughed and said "Oh, thank goodness its not just me that doesn't know"

Then he pointed at this fellow and said "I know what that one is...it's a blackbird". We chatted for a few minutes then he went on his way.

I walked about 2Km. Not much, and at no great pace - I was following the sound of the Greater Spotted Woodpecker. I knew he was there, he just kept eluding me. I did get two really fuzzy shots of him when he landed on some trees, but they weren't close and I didn't have my mahoosive lens with me.

Came home and blitzed the kitchen, living room and cleaned the windows. Felt like I had done something useful, although I was knackered afterwards.

I know, I know. I am supposed to be resting. My body keeps reminding me of this. But I am already bored of my own company and sick of the television. I promise not to do any cleaning tomorrow.

My body clock is up the creek - apparently I need at least 12 hours sleep to function now. Plus a bit of a nap in the afternoon.

It's not laziness I can assure you. But I do give in to it, because clearly that's what I am supposed to be doing.

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