By lizzie_birkett

Yorkshire Eskimos!

We saw this in a garden round the corner. All the snow has melted yet this still stands! This Yorkshire snow must be good quality! :-D

The walk this morning was very muddy and on the moor there was still some snow so we threw snowballs for Bella and had a little snowball fight too.

The rest of the day was spent drawing.
My new 2nd hand book arrived today and I'm really pleased with it.
I feel I've been spending too much of my time looking at screens, YouTube, Pinterest, Google to learn about drawing, especially of and for children. For a long time I've been thinking I'd like to write a simple story about the Grandchildren. My drawings always end up being too detailed and I want to learn to be a bit looser with them.
Anyway, this book means I will spend less time looking on line and instead I can look at an actual book. It is filled with fabulous artwork from various illustrators and lots to read about them and the history of childrens picture books.
I've never had any art lessons apart from in school many, many years ago and I didn't take it seriously when I was 14.
I've mainly been a doodler and only recently have started to enjoy drawing and colouring.
I was actually accepted for Art College when I was 19 after making up a small portfolio of some drawings. I had left school at 15 with no O levels so I was lucky. However, I went to Germany that summer as an au pair and ended up getting married there! My Dad went mad because I was throwing away the chance to 'do something with my life'. He most likely didn't want to lose me to Germany either :-/

While I'm writing this I'm also watching 'Digging for Britain' - an archeology programme. It's amazing and showed a dig near where we used to live in Scotland. I remember years ago my Mum - in her mid 60's - surprised me by saying she would have loved to have been an archeolgist. Mum had never studied anything in her life. She was a wife and our Mum, who sewed and baked and gardened. So, I went out and bought her some Usborne Books on archeaology and she loved them. 2 or 3 years later she died and I got the books back. She was from a working class family and studying was way out of reach for the likes of her.
I too love history and in particular social history but had no interest when I was at school.
It's never too late to learn. A curious mind is a gift and we must use it. ;-)

This wasn't meant to be a long Blip! I got carried away in my thoughts.
Goodnight :-)X

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