Stevens Shots

By StevenC44

Poor Magikarp!

Hi everyone!

This'll probably classify as one of my weirder blips. Those of you who play/played Pokemon will understand this. Basically, Magikarp was one which was completely useless and did nothing. I'm pretty sure it was just added so people could laugh at it...

Anyway, all weirdness aside, today was actually a pretty good day. Still freaking out about the Spanish speaking exam, which is now in less than a week. There's so much to remember, and every time we've done a speaking test before. I always stutter, get a bright red face, forget what I'm supposed to say, etc. The only reason I've passed them so far is because I tried, but you don't pass exams just for trying. I have a lot to do this week (which I hope you'll understand!), so apologies on advance if I fall behind on blipping. It's not on my list of priorities at the moment.

Saying that though, we had beautiful weather today, and I suspect we're due much the same tomorrow. So, if it's nice enough, I'll try and get a proper photo! I also have my 300 coming up for Sunday, I think, so I need to start coming up with ideas for that!

Hope you all have a nice Thursday!

Steven :)

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