Snaw at da Auld Post Office

More snow overnight, and a few wintery showers throughout the day.  Bitterly cold in the easterly winds, but there has been sunny spells. 

A day working from home.  I got washing out early, and it dried in no time.  Lunch walk, and more walkies with Sammy this evening.  Feet up by the fire now.  We had another Coronavirus case today.  12.7% of people have now had the first dose of a vaccine here in Shetland. 

Mainland Scotland, even Orkney, have had heavy snow overnight, the only place in Shetland to get heavy snow was Unst.  After my view from yesterday, Cunningsburgh had more snow today, so I'm sure the view would have looked a bit more wintery.  Being a winter snow worshiper, I hope this fantastic cold spell lasts a little longer, over two weeks already and still loving it.  Taken on my lunchtime walk, at the old Cunningsburgh post office.  

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