More Light Snow

Gales blowing again, more wintery showers, and cold!  There has been some fine sunny spells too.

Up fairly early, and got ready for work.  I popped by Laura's on my way to work.  I've been working late shift in the airport.  I was on check-in first thing, a quiet afternoon, and then meeting and boarding flights this evening.  Me and Sammy avoided any chilly showers tonight.  Mostly a quiet night by the fire. 

There had been more snow overnight, but again it wasn't much, just another light dusting.  Rhee has been more snow/sleet throughout the day, but melting as fast it fell.  There is more due tonight, so I have my fingers crossed for a 10ft downpour, and waken to a winter wonderland.  Looking up to a snowy Hoofield, taken at Clapphoul, Cunningsburgh. 

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