
By ayearinthelife

I Wish it Could be Christmas Every Day

This is a gents hairdresser in Kendal and, as you can see, they still have their Xmas window display. Which is a very strange thing to see on a warm, sunny afternoon at the end of February. Apologies for the reflection of the road in the picture but it couldn’t be avoided in the lovely bright sunshine, whatever angle I tried to take it from!
And even if what has been announced today goes to plan, it’s still going to be another seven weeks before this place will be allowed to open again (assuming it’s survived, of course!)
That’s also the same time gyms should be able to reopen, which is something to look forward to. Outdoor sport is supposed to be possible from 29th March so it might be feasible to do some outdoor training from then - if the weather is kind to us.
29th March is also the date we may be allowed to travel to our Chester flat - I’m not holding my breath and will await the finer details nearer the time. But it would be nice to be able to go and take down the Christmas tree that will have been up for four months by then. Or just leave it up in anticipation....

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