
By ayearinthelife

Cats in the Cradle

Emergency blip today as we’ve not really done anything or gone anywhere! Had to take a lot of photos before I got a halfway decent one with the ball at the top of its swing!
Managed a quick workout and a short walk by way of exercise. Achilles tendonitis has flared up again but I didn’t want to risk it seizing up if I did nothing at all.
Dealt with a few bills and a bit of correspondence and also made enquiries about sending my bass amp off for repair. The shop I bought it from is still closed to callers but the owner suggested I contact the manufacturer direct to see if they could help. Didn’t hold out much hope, but got a very nice reply from them by return of email saying they had allocated a repair number and I just need to get it to them. A quick search on the couriers website would suggest less than £20 to send it and I think I’ve still got the original box up in the loft, so I’ll look at getting it boxed up in the next day or so. I’d have rather done it through the retailer, but don’t really want to wait another seven weeks.
One thing I will have to wait for though is a haircut. Mrs C’s hairdresser (who also does mine at the same time) has been in touch to schedule an appointment if easing goes ahead as planned, but it’s not until 20th April!

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