A New Flame

The amount of pleasure and satisfaction I get from seeing this flame is probably a lot more than it warrants.
It was whilst trying to boil an egg that I began to wonder if this gas ring was working as well as it should. The big clue being that I couldn’t get a small pan of water to actually boil. As this hasn’t happened previously, then either there is a fault with the gas pressure or there is an issue with this ring. No problems with the other rings so decided to strip down the faulty one. Nothing obvious on initial examination, so I unscrewed the jet and ran the smallest interdental brush I could find through it. No obvious blockage, but when I replaced the jet and fired the ring up again, a strong flame appeared. Result. I can only assume that, despite dust sheets being used, a bit of dirt got into the pipes during the redecoration of the kitchen.
Obviously this is not the only thing I’ve done today. We’ve been shopping, tidied up a lot of files on the laptop (75Gb/10,000 pictures slimmed down to 5Gb/2000 pictures) and spent time in the garden tidying trees and bushes in readiness for spring. I will go to the gym later as well.
But despite all those other equally rewarding activities, the high point of the day is definitely seeing this gas ring working properly again. Not sure what to have for tea tonight, but it’s definitely going to involve heating things in a pan.

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