
In 1991, I was working as an IT freelancer for National Power at some offices they had in Harrogate. They were about one step up from those 'rabbit hutches' that you'd have English lessons in at school.

I enjoyed the job, though, and it was one of the best teams I ever worked in, including a Canadian fellow called Wayne who was not only great at his job - and a real inspiration to me - but also someone with great wit and self-confidence who didn't suffer fools.

I'm pretty sure that it was at Wayne's instigation that one evening, when we were working late, we ordered pizzas. It was my first introduction to my enduring love, the jalapeño pepper. Incidentally, it was also the first time I ever had anything to do with Domino's.

Of course I have enjoyed their pizzas subsequently over the years, in fact I'd say they were my favourite. They have re-entered my life on a more regular basis of late as every other Friday, Dan, Abi, and I repair to the otherwise empty office to leave the house free for the godsend that is our cleaner.

And on every occasion we have Domino's for lunch.

Reading: 'A Treachery Of Spies' by Manda Scott

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