By lizzie_birkett

A Visitor!

We had a surprise visit from Eddie the signwriter. We knew he would pop by at some point as he always looks out for our car at the mooring when he's passing on the road.
Bella May went crazy when she saw him. Eddie is her very favourite person.(apart from us of course - I hope)
Whenever he visits I always seem to have done my dodgy knee in so this time it I could show him my even dodgier foot!
We had a laugh about me being a liability.

Actually my foot is more painful now the worst of the swelling has gone down. It's OK when it's up on the sofa but when I walk it's sore. Frank went home and brought me my wedge shoes so I can wear one on my left foot to even me up. That works quite well.

I still managed to clean the inside windows of the saloon and do the washing up while Frank was out with Bella - wearing my funny shoe. I can't be idle and if I see something that needs doing I have to do it. 

Everyone else seems to have had blue skies and sunshine - here in Skipton it has been grey and quite cold - Not fair!

I've finished my Febcreate drawings now. The last one goes on tomorrow. I've really enjoyed doing them but I'll be glad to have some time to draw other things now and play ukulele and knit.

We had Chinese take away tonight - Vegan curry with chips and a beer. I'm not normally mad on Chinese food but this one is delicious. 

More of The Crown tonight. We're watching it earlier as Frank always drops off half way through!

Thanks for the comments, stars and hearts.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend :-)X

I just read this back and must point out that it wasn't Bella wearing my funny shoe! :-D))

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