Ne’er Cast a Cloot till May be Oot!

If ever there was a day for cosying up on the sofa with a good book, this was it. The morning dawned grey and wintry with my phone telling me it felt like -1°.
I agreed with it as I walked round the locality for my daily dose of exercise, thinking how nice it would have been to stop off In a warm café and have my elevenses, but it was back to the Dower House and the old familiar of the kitchen table for coffee.

To keep warm and busy I made a cheesecake and two trays of raisin biscuits, as you do when the day stretches ahead with limited diversions.
I am definitely not going out again into the dismal weather and so it’s an afternoon of reading- A Thousand Suns by Sebastian Barry for the next book group Zoom.

I am scraping the barrel these days for blips. Today’s are a glimpse through a gateway of a courtyard on West Crosscausway one of the oldest streets on the south side of the city and the trunk of a tree left to survive on the Meadows after tree surgery.

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