By lizzie_birkett

Tete a Tete

The little daffs have got their backs to the camera facing the sun - though there wasn't much of it today! It came out brightly this afternoon so I went out to do some tidying and hoeing then it promptly went behind the clouds and it was cold. I carried on anyway, it was just nice to be out in the fresh air and the garden looks better for it. These troughs are the only things with some colour. There are tips of spring bulbs showing through in other parts but they're slow to come out.

I spent this morning changing the bedding and doing a couple of loads of washing then sat down to redo the painting I did yesterday of the girls in the tree. I want to simplify it and do it on the right paper for watercolours. It's all sketched out but I had to take a break as my neck and shoulder were sore. I've noticed this after I've spent too long doing art, I think I tense up. I took some painkillers and it's settled now so I can carry on for a little while.

It's Friday again! That means beer night and Frank is making a curry.

Have a good weekend :-)X

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