One year on

Well, here we are. One year on
Working from home was such a massive novelty one year ago. Less so now. 

I remember being glued to the news that evening and hearing Boris Johnson tell us that we were going into lockdown. I don’t think any of us thought that we’d still be here today and I wonder if we would have approached it differently if we had? No doubt we’ll all take time today to grieve the people and things that we have lost and so I thought I’d make my blip today a more light-hearted offering. 

- In the past year I suspect I have worn the same pair of black sweat pants for approximately 265 of the 365 days. When this lockdown is over, I think their time on this earth will be over too.

- I have hugged about seven people. For someone who finds those ‘do we, don’t we?’ pre-hug moments immensely awkward, this has not been a hideous thing. 

- In the past year I’ve run in the middle of the road on countless occasions as I’ve dodged out of the way of people wary of runners breath.  I have not yet been run over.

- I have looked at my own face more than I have done probably in my whole life previous to this. Whether it’s seeing my own face on zoom calls, the endless video chats on Marco Polo or editing about 20 billion videos of myself. I’ve had enough of my own face. I’d like to see some others now please.

- I have spent more hours in my home than I ever have done before and, though it is small, I have never been more thankful for it. 

(I chose my outfit to match. I have worn other clothes this year. I'm gross, but I'm not that gross)

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