
By Grammy

Meet Cinnamon and Diesel

These two can be really, really good or very bad. Strangers beware of Cinnamon, she protects her peeps! And Diesel, the purebred mostly sweet Great Dane, can behave like the proverbial spoiled child. Having been let out by accident earlier this year, while his humans were away from home, he decided the best way to get inside was by removing the home’s back wall siding and part of the door trim. Good thing my son-in-law is a competent handy man. He had everything good as new in a day. It’s been rainy yet mild most of today, real sleep inducing weather. Good news, I guess: They are releasing my daughter from the hospital this evening but she comes home with tubes in her tummy for pain and she must give herself blood thinning injections. So glad she had that nursing class when she worked at the school. They kick you out of the hospital way too quickly, especially now, due to COVID. Guess I’d better get Sky to work so I can make the other children tacos, an easy meal. Hubby got the deer fence frames on my garden so I can plant as soon as any threat of frost is gone. My daughter-in-law is keeping him fed while I am up here. As Josh Billings says, “A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than itself.” And these grand dogs fit that mold well. Thanks for stopping by.

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