Good Friday

I don’t think I can eat this pail of eggs all by myself and so it will be a sharing affair should any of the family join me over the weekend. It was given to me by a Moslem neighbour and I would hope to remember their kindness when it comes to Eid in their religion.

This afternoon my internet prowess was put to the test when I tried to help one of the Merry Widows get a parking permit online. She had failed and to my chagrin I failed too and what is even worse the 2nd Merry Widow who rode to the rescue failed as well.
There was considerable unladylike swearing at the abysmal website that wouldn’t allow us to put information in. It isn’t good enough to have to work with unworkable websites when there is no alternative of a face to face interaction. Eventually after an inordinate amount of time, we found a phone number for help
but being the holiday weekend it will have to wait until Tuesday.

Needless to say our self esteem as competent oldies has taken a beating, but not so great that large glasses of wine won’t make us feel better.

Has anyone else has a problem with the Parking Permit site by the way?

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