A quickening descent (ascent?!) into middle age

This morning I hit Pontesford Hill early and did a couple of laps of trail running. Delightful! I was surprised how much snow was around (not pictured) especially considering in last year's blip I was apparently drinking gin in the garden before it got too hot. Anyway, it was good to get out and on the trails, always better than plodding around the streets. 

I popped over to Groove this afternoon for what I thought was going to be a walk along the canal but I had misunderstood and we were actually going on a walk and to two garden centres. It's honestly a long time since I've been that excited. Sadly they didn't have the climbing rose that I wanted but I stocked up on other bits and pieces.

We watched Bulliblips' video of the holiday last year and did much reminiscing. What an incredible time we had. We were so very fortunate.

I'm going in to the office tomorrow and for the next few days. I am beyond excited, my backpack is packed and ready. Hoping I survive the freezing cycle in. 

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