
By Grammy

Day 1 at the Farm

Sunny and mild in WV today. While my sister and brother-in-law were out, I made a breakfast casserole for the crew, a task I usually take care of at home. Hubby rested his knee and other aches in the comfy recliner. Sugar knew he would need some comfort so she stayed close to him. Later, we got out the new chairs my son and his family gave us for Christmas. We will have many restful days in them in the years to come I am sure. Of course, my brother-in-law has a hard time relaxing so he worked on his riding mower as we supervised. Then he and my sister made us a delicious baked fish, potatoes and kale dinner. We should all be like our pets. “Comfort the afflicted,” one of the corporal works of mercy. We have snow in the forecast for tomorrow with a low of 29 degrees F on Thursday morning. Oh my. Thanks for visiting.

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