Just a glimpse

I like to just see her face for a few seconds, and she is the same. The Internet doesn't cope well with the video calls, but we start for just a few seconds and then switch to regular voice call. It may be that these crappy selfies make up a lot of the journal entries I can write. But it's the reality I'm living in at the moment!

They've had a really chilled out day. I haven't establish exactly what it entailed. It's very strange not particularly knowing what her life is like. I know she did her practices and like those. I know they went to the park and walked through the market and didn't like either. She had the choice to go or not to the park but wanted to try it and then discovered it was far busier than she's OK with. One of the staff said he'd be happy to sit and chat to her if she didn't want to go play, which is what she chose.

They're doing a bake off in June but she's decided to be the judge because she doesn't want to be rubbish. She was excited about it though. She was excited to get a couple of bits of post. Its one of the first things she says to me if she's received mail. She loves it. 

They were up late. She didn't get her phone until 8.40 and she looked ready to be sleeping. She said she thinks at the weekend they can ask for their phones when they want. And she hadn't wanted to. Which is lovely. But I do need to discuss with her the fact that waiting til shes totally knackered to call me isn't helping either of us. 

There's one issue that's causing an undercurrent of anxiety and it's going to take a little fixing. But on the whole, I am increasingly confident she really loves it. 

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