
By JennyOwen

Garden therapy

It's been a beautiful day - a relief after the lashing wind and rain we had yesterday and the day before.
I'd arranged to go out for a long walk this morning, with an old friend. But then it felt as if a migraine was coming on. Or was it some delayed reaction to my second vaccine dose? Either way, I opted to stay at home and sit  out the waves of lightheadedness.
By mid-afternoon I was feeling better.  I nipped out to deliver the last few Labour Party leaflets I'd had languishing in my bag, having run out of time yesterday. And then spent some time in the garden, soaking up the tiny details of new buds and flowers  (blueberries), fading blossom (cherry and plum) and setting fruit (the unassuming gooseberries).  The latter make no fuss, but they crack on pretty fast, however horrible the weather is.  They are the definition of a reliable friend. And who cares about the odd thorn, in that case?

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