We Got Of Lightly

A light covering of snow this morning - which didn't last, helped by the rain.
I believe the road at the north end of Glen Coe is closed due to the snow.
Hopefully it will be gone by tomorrow as The Macs and Castors are heading to Mull for a holiday.
Talking of Castors and The Macs ...... SWMOBO and I had coffee with them today. I haven't seen Castors since September so it was nice to catch up.

SWMBO and I went and voted before going for coffee.
I wasn't happy when we arrived at the polling place and there was an SNP representative standing inside the door - blocking our entrance.
Once I had cast my vote I found him again standing in the doorway so he was told on no uncertain terms to get out. 
He told me he was only sheltering from the rain - I told him he was only breaking the law and to bugger off to the 250m limit as specified by the law. He seemed to be unaware of of that rule ... so I pointed it out to him in the copy of the rules I just happened to have in my pocket for just such an occurrence. It really hacks me off when these folk think that they don't have to follow the rules.
I was going to stop off at the police station after coffee but completely forgot as SWMBO wanted to stop off at a shop and get some limes.
I will write to the party office - and expect a denial/an excuse/no reply (as per the norm when I need to contact them about their representatives and their conduct ... at every election).

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