It Will Have Little Impact On The Locals

That’s the G7 claim and whilst it may hold true in the majority of Cornwall it’s not the case in Falmouth.
Having been nominated as the ‘Media Centre’ we can expect swathes of people from the MSM accompanied by tons of equipment to start arriving shortly. The rugby club is one of the many local organisations that stands to do well from this.
We are the security team accommodation centre, must be a lot of the, thirty odd accommodation porta-kabins, a helo pad in the centre and Uncle Tom Cobbley & All!!
Emerging from the next stage of lockdown a week Monday I fear some of us might be emerging to life a little out the ordinary - but it’s good for business I’m told.
The one thing I’d dearly like to see is ‘Sleepy Joe’s’ stretched armoured limo trying to navigate some of Cornwalls roads!

Elsewhere the weather is deteriorating and there are days when I rue committing to shorts year round.

Today’s photo, a taste of things to come as a second storage container Is off loaded at the rugby club.

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