
By Grammy

Confirmed in Christ

Chilly with sporadic rain showers in the morning. The day started with very sad news. One of my younger first cousins, living in NY, passed away in his sleep last night. He had a ton of medical issues so God was merciful to take him home. The sad part is that his sister is now all alone being single and having only one sibling. Her “little” brother was her life. My sister and BIL stopped by to bring me half of the berry pie our mother made us. Then our friend brought us 20 small jars of homemade jams and jellies we purchased from her SIL who makes the best! It was too damp outside to work on flowers so I ironed for a few hours and puttered around the house. Hubby cut our grass, installed the door he made for our granddaughter’s playhouse and ran errands. Our middle grandson has many special occasions this year. We just celebrated his 14th birthday, tonight he was Confirmed and he graduates from 8th grade next month. We went to his favorite Mexican restaurant to start the evening. Chase is a quiet, introverted young man. He chose hubby to be his sponsor and was overjoyed when he gave Chase a rosary he bought in Rome. We were thrilled that he was the first confirmandi to answer the Bishop’s question. The Bishop went to seminary with our parish priest and flew in from Texas to confirm our young adults. He did a fabulous job relating to the kids. It is now bed time but as usual, we had another memorable day. Supporting the young ones in their Faith journey is a serious responsibility and wonderful opportunity. Thanks for visiting, leaving stars and nice comments.

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