After yesterday’s Amazon today it’s Swallows!

Despite the chill the swallows are back swooping over our trees and garden. I think they are actually swifts or house martins but nothing can diminish from the enormity of their lengthy migration. So small. Such a long way from North Africa. No passports. No quarantine. No testing. No queues!

There is a significant number of Brits who used to migrate from their U.K. homes to their winter sunshine ones. Many of these people now find their migratory patterns severely disrupted by Covid and Brexit.

Our second Covid jags had a sting for us both this time. A quiet indoor day. The weather, anyway, was not conducive to going out. A wind chill of only 6 degrees seems very unlike May. Hope those ornithological arrivals don’t decide to go home early!

My Blip is proof that I stayed in and all our winter fuel is now long gone ... !

The weekly Zoom spelling session with our 8 year old grandchild was the undoubted high light of the day!

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