Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Successful day

Action packed morning - we were all out: JR to the gym, Archie with Robert, and I went to see a back specialist that my neighbour had recommended.

Went down (to the West End) in time to try (any) nearby cafe, of course, though I resisted the pastries. The specialist admitted he didn’t know about knees/legs, he was a back specialist, but I was told at one point when the knee folk gave up on me and said it was my back, so I thought it was worth a visit. And yes, turns out it was!

He wiggled my knees sideways, heard them ‘clicking’ and declared them to be a bit ‘looser’ than they should be (knee instability?). He watched me walking, and I don’t really walk, I shuffle. He’s the first person to say I walk ‘flat footed’. I must concentrate on putting my heel down first, thereby stretching my leg each time and using my hamstrings. And to keep my chest/head/eyes up. He also suggested what he thought it was, to do with blood circulation, and wrote it down for me. I googled it, and yes, I’m convinced it is. And I have a name for it at last. So a very successful visit.*

I jumped on the tram back into town, and realised that it went (almost) right to John Lewis. I texted JR to say that’s where I was going - just for a look at the new shop. However, as I passed Princes Street Gardens and the Castle in the glorious sunshine, blossom still evident, I hopped off and walked through the Gardens instead - much better for the soul on a sunny day. Or even a dull day. (Extras) I was in the Gardens (ie just below the castle) when the 1 o’clock gun went off. Gives me SUCH a fright, every time.

I walked home via the Grassmarket, heading for Mary’s Milk Bar for a big ice cream. But it was CLOSED!! Tragic.

I was very very slow up the Vennel steps. This new way of walking is much more tiring than my old way, but I made it home and flopped on the sofa, after pushing Archie out of the way (he sometimes takes up too much room).

JR has gone down to John Lewis for an eye test, which she booked on her open night visit last week (some sort of ‘special deal’...)

The painters have finished. The scaffolding will come down tomorrow, possibly. We have newly spruced up window sills. I asked them to do one, which was pretty bad, but they did them all, bless ‘em. 

A sunny evening lured me out with Archie for a walk - to practise my ‘proper walk’. 

* I don’t mind sharing my medical moments here - it’s a diary. But I assure you, I don’t share any of my more embarrassing ailments!

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