Sigyn (Day 2214)

Last night's curry with P&R was excellent. It has been far too long since we have seen them and it was great to catch up.
An early start this morning and I headed to Tesco to do the weekly shop while my beautiful wife zoomed to Stromness to meet a horse physiotherapist. I dumped* the shopping at home, then met up with HV for a ride out on George and Red. Despite the forecast of glorious sunshine and no wind, there was a chilly breeze which did little to clear the haar. It was a grand ride out anyway.
Home for lunch and a wander with Sigyn at Lyde as the sun finally came out. She was on good form today and ranged further away from us than she has since we lost Talisker. She did a fair bit of thrashing around in the heather, and seemed to be enjoying herself.
Back home, HV zoomed off to do hoss pedicures and I ventured into the garden to do a bit more drainage trench digging. I made slow progress as it was more of an exercise in removal of tree roots.

(*For "dumped" read "put away in all the right places")

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